80% of the world natural ocean resources are untouchable. That’s the new trend which the whole world is seeking for while we all Sri Lankans are lucky enough to live in an island surrounded by the beautiful indian ocen. We all should be encouraged in seeking for the ocean diversity. The Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) comprises an area which extends either from the coast, or in federal systems from the seaward boundaries of the Sri Lanka (constituent state) to 200 nautical miles (370 kilometres) off the coast. We have two main monsoon seasons, South west monsoon- May to October which brings water from Arabian Sea to Bay of Bengal Inter monsoon – October to November North East monsoon – December to April which brings water from Bay of Bengal to Arabian Sea Inter monsoon – April to May, that’s what happens in the Sea around us. Sea grasses are found in shallow, salty and brackish waters in many parts of the world, from the tropics to the Arctic Circle. The...